Die Hel

16 10, 2024

To Hell and Back: As Jy Weet, Weet Jy…

By |2024-10-16T13:47:54+02:00October 16th, 2024|News|Comments Off on To Hell and Back: As Jy Weet, Weet Jy…

“Hulle Weet Nie Wat Ons Weet Nie” might have been popularised by the Springboks and Dricus du Plessis, but it could well be the watch words of the men and women who frequent the To Hell and Back pilgrimage. Three decades on from the inaugural edition, which started the South African love affair with stage [...]

19 10, 2023

29 Years of To Hell and Back

By |2023-10-19T10:37:45+02:00October 19th, 2023|News|Comments Off on 29 Years of To Hell and Back

South Africa’s oldest mountain bike stage race, To Hell and Back, celebrates its 29th edition this year. On the 11th of November 2023 riders will race up the Swartberg Pass and down the road to hell. Then on the 12th they will turn around and climb back out of Gamkaskloof along a route which is [...]

22 04, 2022

What’s The Big Deal With Bikepacking

By |2022-04-22T15:33:36+02:00April 22nd, 2022|Epic Trips|Comments Off on What’s The Big Deal With Bikepacking

I fell out of love with cycling, confesses Seamus Allardice. It happened slowly at first. Then quickly. But bikepacking always lures me back in. Every January, for last three years, I’ve started the year with a bikepacking trip. It actually started in 2018; when Andrew Robb, David le Roux and myself rode from Stellenbosch to [...]

23 11, 2021

Join a Klein Karoo Bikepacking Adventure

By |2021-11-23T15:56:34+02:00November 23rd, 2021|Epic Trips|Comments Off on Join a Klein Karoo Bikepacking Adventure

Based on a solo bikepacking trip Seamus Allardice did in May 2021 the Diverge January 2022 tour will take in Seweweekspoort, Die Hel, Gamka Mountain Nature Reserve and the Huisrivier Pass. It's a 4 day Klein Karoo Bikepacking Adventure dubbed the Hell's Teeth Tour. Die Leer to Hell. Basics Dates:                   3 to [...]

13 09, 2021

Hell’s Teeth, Boet

By |2021-09-13T09:02:07+02:00September 13th, 2021|Epic Trips|Comments Off on Hell’s Teeth, Boet

I’ve expected my “agh, how hard could it be” attitude to catch up with me eventually. I just didn’t expect it to be on the road from Hell. In hindsight, that was foolish. Hell's teeth, boet; that was tough writes Seamus Allardice. Since January 2018 I’ve organised or been on a bike packing trip every [...]

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