Im’possible Tour

10 12, 2020

Injury Puts Breaks on Im’possible Tour

By |2020-12-10T13:34:48+02:00December 10th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Injury Puts Breaks on Im’possible Tour

45 hours 43 minutes into his #xtremeSA2020 Im’possible Tour, Grant Lottering was forced to stop his toughest solo fundraising ride due to injury and the elements. He was attempting to cycle over 2 000km on gravel roads , including 22 300m of climbing, in just 100 hours. After 824km of the 2 020km #xtremeSA2020 Im’possible [...]

2 12, 2020

Tough Start to the Im’Possible Tour but Lottering is Soldiering On

By |2020-12-02T23:13:12+02:00December 2nd, 2020|News|Comments Off on Tough Start to the Im’Possible Tour but Lottering is Soldiering On

When Grant Lottering rolled out of Nottingham Road on Tuesday evening, at 18:00, his sights were set on maintaining a 20-kilometre per hour average speed for the next 100 hours. Factored into his meticulous preparation were allocated stops to refuel, stretch and sleep. The route was mapped out in detail, too, with text instructions for [...]

1 12, 2020

Im’possible Tour: 2 000km to Go

By |2020-12-01T15:18:30+02:00December 1st, 2020|News|Comments Off on Im’possible Tour: 2 000km to Go

Ultra-endurance cyclist Grant Lottering starts his 2020 Im’possible Tour on Tuesday evening at 18:00. The route for his #xtremeSA2020 ride will see him cycle, virtually non-stop, from Nottingham Road, in KwaZulu Natal, to Imbuko Wines outside Wellington, in the Western Cape. The plan is for Lottering to complete the 2 000-kilometre journey within 100 hours of [...]

27 11, 2020

Grant Lottering’s Im’possible Tour

By |2020-11-27T11:42:16+02:00November 27th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Grant Lottering’s Im’possible Tour

On Tuesday morning, 1 December 2020, Grant Lottering will depart from Nottingham Road, KwaZulu-Natal, on a non-stop solo ride through the Eastern and Western Cape to finish on Sunday, 6 December in the Ceres Valley, Wellington. He will have to ride day and night, climbing 22 300m and covering a total distance of 2 000km, [...]

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