Team type{DEV} NanoTime

11 05, 2021

Fierce Battle Expected at 2021 KAP sani2c

By |2021-05-11T16:17:15+02:00May 11th, 2021|News|Comments Off on Fierce Battle Expected at 2021 KAP sani2c

The competition is hotting up for the women’s race at KAP sani2c later this week, as Robyn de Groot and Amy McDougall have teamed up at the last minute, and the men’s field has the best of SA men’s mountain biking lining up, on form and ready to race. COMPETITIVE MEN’S RACE The PYGA Euro [...]

22 02, 2021

Team type{DEV} NanoTime Gearing Up and Gaining Momentum for 2021

By |2021-02-22T10:39:20+02:00February 22nd, 2021|News|Comments Off on Team type{DEV} NanoTime Gearing Up and Gaining Momentum for 2021

Having been founded mid-pandemic, Team type{DEV} NanoTime had limited opportunities for racing in 2020. With the support of a long-term sponsor, in the form of software developers type{DEV}, the squad was able to use the time wisely; focusing on preparing for 2021. Nico Bell, Matt Beers, Wessel Botha, Stuart Marais and Zandri Strydom are now [...]

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