Trail Run

5 10, 2023

Challenging Conditions for 2023 Otter African Trail Run Prelim

By |2023-10-05T20:59:33+02:00October 5th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Challenging Conditions for 2023 Otter African Trail Run Prelim

The Otter African Trail Run Challenge, the preliminary event to the Grail of Trail, took place in initially perfect and then increasingly difficult conditions on Thursday, 5 October. Following the classic Otter Trail route, from Storms River Mouth to Nature’s Valley. The 42 kilometre route takes in 2 600 metres of climbing, including roughly 7 000 [...]

29 04, 2023

Exciting Running and Swimming on Saturday at the HI-TEC Walker Bay Outdoor

By |2023-05-02T10:12:32+02:00April 29th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Exciting Running and Swimming on Saturday at the HI-TEC Walker Bay Outdoor

Saturday at the HI-TEC Walker Bay Outdoor saw events two and three of the Big 6 take place, alongside a beautiful hike through the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. Both the Trail Run and the See en Sand swim run were spectacular stand-alone races, but they had also been expected to allow for shake-ups in the long [...]

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