In this episode of the Diverge Podcast, host, Seamus Allardice spoke to 15 time South African champion Mariske Strauss. Strauss had returned the previous day from a victorious campaign, alongside her Silverback Fairtree teammate Jennie Stenerhag, at the Tankwa Trek – a UCI S1 stage race in the Koue Bokkeveld region of South Africa.

They discussed her early season form, her approach to the 2019 Absa Cape Epic, the upcoming World Cup season and the difficulties of being a South African racing a mountain bike around the world.

To find out more about Mariske Stauss please visit

Mariske Strauss in action during the 2018 Absa Cape Epic, where she finished third alongside Annie Last. Photo by Ewald Sadie/Cape Epic/SPORTZPICS

Take a listen:


Mariske Stauss after finishing a UCI MTB World Cup race in 2018. Photo by Silverback/OMX Pro.

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