Beyond Expeditions are supported by Isuzu and Dunlop Tyres. Photo by Jacques Marais. 

In this episode of the Diverge Podcast Seamus Allardice speaks to Jacques Marais about the Beyond Lockdown expedition. In August 2020 Marais, Peter van Kets, Zane Schmahl and Peter Kirk set out on a 9 00km, 9 province, tour of South Africa. The aim was to highlight an adventure travel destination in each province for their Beyond Expeditions trip. The adventure was supported by Isuzu South Africa and Dunlop Tyres South Africa. To find out more about it visit Or read the stories from each province on

Rock jumping into the Hole in the Wall tidal pool. Photo by Jacques Marais.

Stop 1: Western Cape
Stop 3: Free State
Stop 5: Gauteng
Stop 6: Limpopo 
Stop 7: Mpumalanga
Stop 8: KwaZulu Natal Part 1 & Part 2